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Millenials CEOs in 2025

LinkedIn data indicates that this phenomenon is global, with a rising profile: young CEOs who bring their corporate leadership experience to transform companies. This change is not only noticeable in the United States but also in emerging economies where millennials are challenging traditional structures.

A Fortune study highlights that for the average worker starting at the corporate base, reaching the position of CEO can take more than 30 years. However, millennials, with their innovative and adaptable approach, have accelerated that process by introducing new ways of thinking and operating.

By 2025, millennials are projected to reach a predominant position in corporate hierarchies, marking a generational transition that redefines the concept of leadership. With the oldest members of this generation reaching 44 years old, they are replacing Generation X leaders, not only as visionary founders but also as leaders hired to transform established companies.

The case of Damola Adamolekun, who took over the leadership of Red Lobster at the age of 35 after leading P.F. Chang’s, is a clear example of this trend. Similarly, names like Everette Taylor of Kickstarter and Toby Rice, at the helm of EQT, a $20 billion natural gas company, demonstrate how millennials are consolidating their leadership before turning 40. What sets these new leaders apart is not only their familiarity with technology but also their radically different approach to corporate purpose.

According to Chilean academic Alfredo Enrione, most boards in Latin America are still dominated by leaders who are on average 62 years old, whose paradigms were shaped in a very different business environment. In contrast, millennials bring with them a mindset that prioritizes creating integral value and genuine relationships with stakeholders.

A new era in corporate purpose

Millennial leadership is not just about implementing technology or digitizing processes, but about a broader and more transformative vision. These leaders seek to align business objectives with a social purpose, connect with communities and address global challenges from a more collaborative and sustainable perspective.

As more millennials take on leadership roles, companies will have to adapt to a dynamic that prioritizes flexibility, social impact, and authentic connection with different stakeholders. This generational shift is undoubtedly an opportunity to redefine the future of business in a world that demands new ways of thinking and acting.

The arrival of millennials at the top of corporate hierarchies in 2025 is not just a generational shift but a turning point for global corporate leadership.